I heard something, not too long ago, that completely resonated with me. I wish I would have written it down, but I didn’t. It was along the lines of, “sometimes God will give us a business that is in alignment with our passion…” Goats are definitely a passion of mine, and I am so blessed that I have been given a business opportunity that supports them and my love of animal agriculture.
What started as a love for goats when I was younger, has been slowly cultivated into a business that continues to grow. Honestly, I did not set out to own a soap business. At it’s foundation, Loess Valley is just me stepping out in faith and obedience to an opportunity that God has blessed me with. I have no idea where it will go, but I hold this business loosely and trust in His guidance and direction.

I have been making soap for over 12 years, but I have loved goats for over 25 years. (My very first goat was a black and white bottle baby, named "Bubbles") Goat’s milk soap has been, and will always be the foundation of Loess Valley. I have a small herd of Nubian dairy goats that are hand-milked daily, providing the fresh, creamy milk for your soap.